Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today's tutorial

Hello! Well, I thought I'd just summarise some of the things that were discussed in today's tut. We were asked to think about what we would want for society if we were granted three wishes to change it. We were also asked to figure out our own solutions to these problems, so much fo the wishes! Lol, I thought this was a really good exercise though as it was very realistic in how we should solve the problem that are around us both on a small and large scale. My personal ideas were:

1. That we need to restructure what we as a society value. There's so much negativity being projected onto us by the media in terms of the way se should think and act. We're constantly being told what we could be and what we're not rather than what we are. I believe that if there was even just a little bit more positive advertising and if the media focused it's attention on constructive issues rather than destructive ones, society would function much better, both locally and globally. At the moment it seems that all we collectively care about is looking good, being rich and having every material possession we possibly can! So, basically, if we focused more on what we do have rather than what we don't have, people, generally would be much happier...

My solution to this problem is to instill confidence in others by setting an example. I think when people feel secure in who they are they want to give that feeling to others but you can only tell them so much. I've learned throughout my life that actions speak louder than words. As Ghandi said "be the change you want to see in the world" or something along those lines:-)

2. My second idea is that we should stop waiting around for others to lead us and take some friggin' initiative. This personally, really gets me annoyed! I hate laziness and it's really not that hard to just do it (it being anything and everything). I do however, think showing initiative and control in your life is linked to confidence, so this probably has to come first.

I guess my solution to this problem is again to set an example, but to just generally be nice to others. Random acts of kindness can be quite thrilling for both the kindness giver and the kindness receiver. So yeah, just do it! - hope Nike doesn't sue me.

3. My third one is just to treat others with respect. I reckon if we stopped caring about differences and just woke up to the fact that we're all living, breathing beings, everything would be a lot better. This isn't just respect to people, by the way, I mean, showing respect to every living thing. Humans think that because they're of greater intelligence that they're for some reason "better". But, do you think the earth really values us an higher than say, a caterpillar or a tree or perhaps even a speck of dust. Sorry, but no, lol. In fact, I think that our natural environment is one of the biggest things we need to fix because without it, how do we survive then? The harsh realisty is that we don't, and no nose job, flash car or Macca's drive-thru is gunna change that.

My solution to this, as above. But I can't force anyone to do anything.


Sam Taylor said...

Hey Ruth,
You've got some nice ideas going there and the world would be a better place if there was more positive media, if initative was used more often and if there was more respect toward others. There would certainly be less wars, a healthier ecosystem and a more fulfilling life for most individuals. I believe all it takes is one group of individuals to make a stand on what they believe is right and after that anything can happen. Good luck with your blog.

Debbi said...

Hi Ruth,

I really like your 3 ideas for improving the world! Especially about focusing on what we have rather than always striving to have more. I know so many people who earn lots of money and have so much material wealth but who are unhappy with themselves, their jobs, relationships or their lives in general. I really believe if we focus on what we have instead of comparing ourselves to others we'll be much happier and that in turn will change the way we treat other people.

Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

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