Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ideas and stuff...

I’m currently trying to decide which topic to do for my blog. I’m interested in all of them quite frankly but have managed to narrow it down to two. I think the topic of attitude change would be a fascinating one to look into. I believe that the information we give each other is a vital tool for us to lead the best lives we possibly can. Recently being confronted with a health issue myself has really put things in perspective for me. While I’m ok now, I think that the whole experience of not being at your physical best really makes you realise what’s important. It’s terrible to think that some people go through their whole lives taking what they have for granted and not realising that they are truly blessed.

I’ve been thinking recently about how what we do affects those around us. In particular, I’ve thought about how a healthy person is a balanced person. The mind, body and soul are all so closely connected and their combined health is so important. Good health in these areas spreads positivity to those around. The consequence of not doing this can be disastrous for friends, relatives and the wider community on a much larger scale. Some may choose to take drugs, others may over-indulge in food and under-indulge in exercise. Some may spend ridiculous amounts of money on things they don’t need only to go out and spend more money when the novelty of these things wears off. Think of how this affects those around you! Obviously, none of us are perfect. However, if somebody doesn’t look after themselves, they’re potentially putting themselves at harm. As a result, they are also putting those who care about them at harm either financially, emotionally, physically or spiritually. I suppose what we have to figure out is where the cycle stops and starts. Personally, I believe that living by a set of good values is what’s important and choosing to act according to these helps us to make good decisions. Ultimately though, change starts with the individual and we have to realise that while we might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, every life has a role to play in society…

…clearly I’ve been watching too much Oprah lately, hehe.

STAY TUNED! Next rant about prejudice, stereotyping and aggression; my other potential blog topic:-)

1 comment:

James Neill said...

Hi Ruth,

Great to read your thoughts here - particularly on the interconnection / ripple effect of any one person's actions and values on those around us. Reminds me of the notion of 'random acts of kindness' and how even a single smile can change someone's day for the better. You might be interested to download and watch this movie, Global Brain, which takes a deeper look at enhancing interconnections between humans on a global scale.
PS Well done on experimenting with colours, etc. I find those colours difficult to read though - I'd suggest perhaps try using Headings (bold and different font size) to break text into sections. Maybe also try bold and/or italics to highlight key words. People tend to skim on the web and this can aid readability. Hope this helps.